Artist Statement

        I like music, a lot. I was not particularly born in a family where music is a daily practice or something we enjoy, but I somehow got a thing for it for as long as I can remember. I probably got it from my mother, who likes to sing. As I grew older though, I realized that everyone in our family enjoys music, maybe even as much as I do.
        I may have mentioned it in my previous blog entry before, but I still aspire of being a musician someday. However, this field is not easy to enter as there are many aspiring artists out there - some more motivated than me even. However, taking Arts I made me realize a bunch of things. I don't have to be famous, I don't have to make a living out of my art. Who says I need to stand out?
        There are many elements and forms in art, and being an artist doesn't mean you can practice everything. What's important is I got a voice - I got this instrument and I'm free to use it whenever and wherever I want to. I have my hands that let me try and play different instruments, even those that are unfamiliar to me. I have ears that help me listen to other people's music and get inspiration from, the same ears I use to judge my own music if it's on par to my standards. I have eyes that let me read lyrics and see other elements in music that help transform it into sound. In short, I have more than enough. I have everything I need to enjoy my own and everyone else's art.
        I am a member of UP Silakbo, an organization filled with talented individuals who share the same passion for music as I do. The organization does not only serve as an avenue for me to showcase my art; it also serves as a way for me to hone my skills - to be better.
        Arts is not just something we enjoy - it is also a connection to other people. This connection is one of the things that makes us feel human. There's nothing more satisfying than sharing the same emotion and being able to tell a story with your music.  Appreciating art and having your art appreciated are on both sides of the scale and both are equally important.
        I personally tried writing songs of my own back then, but I was unable to put into music the sounds I have in my head. This is due to me being inexperienced to musical elements and not having a single idea about music theory whatsoever. I then resorted to creating covers of already existing songs, and it's still what I do up until this day.
        The door's not closed for me to try my own music, though. With proper practice, the necessary skills, and just the right amount of motivation, I may be able to get back to it some day. To end this entry, I have a sample cover of Unwell by Matchbox Twenty recorded a year ago out of boredom. I acknowledge the fact that there are flaws in this cover, and I personally think it's fine. Flaws shouldn't stop people from sharing their art. In fact, it should serve as a motivation for everyone to hopefully look back to it one day and see how far one has improved.

Unwell by Matchbox Twenty (cover by Ryan Nathaniel B. Resoles) -


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