The Concept of Capital as applied in a Cultural setting


        Cultural capital is a type of capital that every individual has. From the type of music we consume, the dances we enjoy, and the art pieces we appreciate, culture plays an important role with how we select these. Cultural capital plays a major role in connecting the artist's work to the art world. For this module's entry, my blog partner (Mark Joshua Baloria) and I decided that creating a concept map of the transcript "Bourdieu: Cultural Capital, the Love of Art & Hip Hop" would better encapsulate the major points of the said excerpt.

        There are lots of problems when it comes to the concept of cultural capital. For instance, accessibility to cultural capital is problematic given that agents determine which cultural capital has more value, hence limiting the people with access to it. A new cultural capital is the result of the “more valuable” capital being inaccessible to the general population. 

        The reason as to why some types of cultural capital is "gatekept" is because it has a corresponding value, which can then be exchanged for other types of capital. Gatekeeping is a problem that still exists up until this day, and nothing good comes out of it except the emergence of new cultural capital. People are forced to come up with new types of cultural capital, one that they can call their own, put authorship with, and has a value itself.

        Studying and adapting the elements of the different types of cultural capital made the emergence of new cultural capital possible. The elements present in culture types with "higher value" can even be seen in those with "lower value" such as Hip Hop and Grime.
        To end this entry, we'd like to focus on how people have unequal footing in life and how our early to mid life is basically decided the moment we're born. If born in a fairly wealthy family, chances are you'd experience a culture with higher arbitrary value. Unfortunately, you can't say the same for those who are less fortunate financially. Cultural capital and culture in general dictates how our lives will turn out more than we think it does.


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